VisionGate Updates

As VisionGate was preparing for a busy Fall season with the generation of clinical data for lung cancer screening using its LuCED test, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force electrified the lung cancer community with its draft recommendation that older Americans at high risk of lung cancer get screened every year with a low-dose x-ray CT scan (for more on the recommendations, click here.)  This recommendation is based on a landmark NCI study showing that CT screening reduces lung cancer deaths by 20%. The report then went on to highlight the major disadvantage of CT screening, which is a high false positive rate.  High false positive results would generate a great deal of follow-up testing that is costly, burdensome and ultimately unnecessary, and they could result in fewer at-risk people receiving lung cancer screening.


One key message is that reimbursement for lung cancer screening is now emerging. The other is that the high rate of false positive results in CT screening is good news for VisionGate. This is because VisionGate’s LuCED test can be launched initially as a non-invasive, cost-effective adjunct to CT screening to pinpoint the true positives while minimizing the false positives – using CT scanning in conjunction with LuCED means that those patients receiving a positive result would actually have lung cancer. With this important development as context, VisionGate scientists will present the initial results of a pilot clinical study using LuCED and the Cell-CTTM 3D cell analysis system at the prestigious IASLC World Conference on Lung Cancer in late October.


In addition, VisionGate CEO Alan Nelson will discuss the Cell-CT technology as a keynote speaker at the Single Cell Analysis Summit in mid-September.  We also anticipate that VisionGate’s technology may again be featured in an upcoming Nature publication, one of the most respected science journals. We are looking forward to these opportunities to raise the profile of VisionGate’s breakthrough Cell-CT technology among key scientific and industry audiences, as the company advances its LuCED clinical program.